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332 Hollick Kenyon Road Northwest
Edmonton, AB, T5Y 2T4


Edmonton based custom long arm quilting. Custom quilter at Sparrow Studioz since September 2011




Sheila Van Der Linden

Undone is my second large original quilt. Stay Centered was the first, and I also designed a table runner, The Blessing Braid a few years ago. I am currently working on another, and it is apparent that the design and naming process is different for each quilt. You would think that a designer would have a method to follow, but I am a bit dismayed to see that is not the case. Why dismayed? Going into this, I truly thought that once I had a few designs down pat, the rest would follow. I am learning very quickly, that that is not the case.  But since I truly love the design process, I am at the same time intrigued to see how my next designs come about.

Undone actually happened rather quickly. I have always loved the simplicity of the Disappearing Nine Patch block, and I wanted to do something fun with it. 

I played with a few designs that were fairly traditional, but nothing was wowing me. So I decided to approach it differently. I carry a little book with me that I use to capture moments of inspiration. I write down words, quotes, or Bible verses that strike me as encouraging or comforting. I actually have a page with a list of words that I think would be excellent quilt names. So I turned to this page, and the word Undone was close to the top, it instantly captured me.

The one design aspect of this quilt that I was confident about going into this was that I wanted this quilt to be on point.  So as I went about living my life, the word Undone, the Disappearing Nine Patch block, and an on point design percolated in my head. When you have a creative mind, it really never stops looking and thinking about designs. 

I was driving my daughter to an appointment when it all became crystal clear.  To be Undone means you are open, exposed, vulnerable. When you can be Undone in a safe place, it is a beautiful and brave moment. It is a gift you give to the witness.

I want my quilts to inspire beauty, courage, and boldness.  So that the people who piece them, and the people who sleep under them find moments to be strong, beautiful and courageous.

It was that simple. A moment of clarity. While driving with my strong, beautiful and courageous daughter who inspires me to be all that.

Be Undone, be blessed.